Diciamoci la verità, siete dei malfidati. Tutti a dire che non ci si può aspettare che i corrotti facciano
una adeguata legge contro la corruzione, che insomma cane non mangia cane (o era criceto non mangia criceto? Mah, forse era capibara non mangia capibara).

E finalmente è stato fatto un considerevole passo avanti proprio nella lotta alla corruzione nel nostro sistema politico. E' stata predisposta una norma secondo la quale chiunque voglia fare carriera politica, avrà come condizione di base non tanto la fedina penale pulita, quanto lo sposare donne/uomini rigorosamente figli unici. Si riuscirà quindi a sanare la piaga dei cognati, che tanti danni ha causato in tempi più o meno recenti. Ora, non è che tutto sia stato risolto. Esistono tuttora dei contrasti su questo tema, che debbono essere mediati.

Non siamo ancora in grado di anticipare quale sarà la decisione della Commissione Parlamentare che si sta occupando della questione. Quello che possiamo indovinare, è che prevarrà chi ha più soldi da offrire.
Franco Cappelletti | @francocappellet
Corruption, what a passion
Let's say the truth, you have no trust. Everyone saying that you can't expect corrupted people to make an adequate law against corruption, that in the end dog doesn't eat dog (or was it hamster against hamster? Dunno, maybe it was capybara doesn't eat capybara.). But politicians are doing the best they can (not Berlusconi's best, to be clear) in order to solve this lengthy problem, a problem that draws citizens away from the elections (see the regionals in Sicily, where husbands said they went to see their lovers and they actually went to vote, but then once they arrived home the wives controlled the elections card and discovered the truth, and fights ensued.)
And finally a great step forward has been made in the fight against corruption in our political system. A new rule has been implemented, which says that anyone who wants to make a carreer in politics will have as a base condition not a clean record, but marrying someone who is necessarily an only son or daughter. This way we will be able to cure the plague of brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, which has caused so many problems in more or less recent times. Now, it's not like everything has been solved. There are still contrsasts on the topic, which should be mediated.
Infact there are those who believe it would be enough to limit this impositions only to those brothers-in-law who have relationships with small monarchich European nations, while others would like the norm to only be applied to ex judges, and finally the majority thinks that it should be applied in any condition.
We're still not capable to anticipate what the decision of the Parliament Commission that is dealing with the matter. What we can guess is that the candidate who has more money will win.
Franco Cappelletti | @francocappellet
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